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Q&A with photographer Tom Brown

We both instantly connected via Instagram, appreciating each-others photography of the city we call home. After a first coffee, I knew that Tom should become one of the local photographers part of
PEOPLE PLACE & PHOTOGRAPHY, our first photography exploration in The Hague (27-29 January).

But who is Tom, where is he from and what makes him tick, and why photography? Let’s find out!

Hi Tom, where are you from and what brought you to The Hague?

Hey Robin! I’m from the United Kingdom, specifically a town called Lancaster. It is a beautiful place, located just below the Lake District and near the sea. I originally came here so that I could study Fine Art at the Royal Academy of Art and just stayed after finishing my studies. 

What makes The Hague so special? Any favorite neighborhoods?

To me, what makes The Hague such a special and interesting place to live is that it’s quite a cultural melting pot. You can easily travel from one part of the city to another and instantly get a feeling of being somewhere a little different, fresh and exciting. I live on the Fahrenheitstraat, which is naturally one of my favourite places in the city. I love being close to the sand dunes and the beach, it feels like a nice little slice of nature hidden away by the city. Compared to some of the other larger cities in The Netherlands, this access to the sea, as well as pockets of woodland, makes it quite special. You can go from the beating heart of the city to relative peace and quiet after a short bike ride or tram journey. 

When did you start photographing your city?

I originally made photos to use as reference material for my paintings and drawings but over time I found myself becoming ever more enamoured with photography as an art form. At the start of the Corona pandemic, I begun making photos everyday and part of that meant photography walks where it was possible. This initially began just to keep myself active but also so that I had some mental stimulation. I have been able to keep this up since the very first day and by now that’s nearly three years of photographing this lovely city.

What excites you the most about photography? What's your favorite image of the city?

What excites me the most about photography is that it gives me a way to connect myself to the world around me. I have always felt a bit of a disconnect from myself and the physical space that I inhabit. But through photography, I am able to see and reflect upon the individual moments that I experience and choose to document. These individual moments build to create a sort of self-portrait of myself, not by looking at me but by looking through my eyes. These small moments of photographic creation and the greater image that it builds have helped me massively in discovering more about myself and the world I exist in. It also helps to connect me to people around me, be that friends or strangers in the street. I have had many conversations with people I’ve never met because I have a camera in hand or because they are curious as to what I was documenting. This vicarious experience of our world is both inspiring and special to me. 

I have a few favourite images of the city, one is of a lone surfer walking along the water’s edge, with the pier in the background and the wind in the air. I really enjoy that image, it makes you wonder what the surfer is thinking, how loud the water or the sand is under their feet. You can also imagine the moments that precede the photo and what comes after, allowing you to experience that snapshot in time and the balance between man and the wilds of nature. The feeling of the weight of the space, the air, and the light is quite magical.

I also have a few photos taken in the same place, but at many different points in time. The place is looking over a small body of water with the tallest buildings in Den Haag perched behind it. You always see the buildings reflected in the water giving a vast feeling of space but I love everything that happens around it. In one photo the water is frozen and people are slipping and sliding over the ice, in another, it’s night time and trams melt past into trails of light. To me, it’s a place where you can capture and witness the comings and goings of Den Haag.

You'll be part of our first photography exploration. What can people expect from joining you on a photo walk? What would you like to share with them and why should people join?

Due to spending so much time walking about the city, I know many places to visit. We can go from walking through the woods near the station to the body of water by the seat of the Dutch government, through the city centre, and then perhaps walking by canals. There’s a lot to see and I know some of the prettiest and most interesting places to be.

Being part of the exploration of the city is something I am really looking forward to, it’s enjoyable to see people excited about being somewhere new. It will be invigorating for myself and I think that the energy, between myself and the group, will be inspiring. I feel that this is a unique experience and one that shouldn’t be missed out upon. Whenever I go somewhere new, I always wonder where the best places to go are, or if there are many hidden gems nestled away.

Being able to walk around with someone who knows the place and also has a passion for photography would surely be the person I would like to spend time with and I am happy that I can be that person for people who want to join our exploration.

Thank you for your time Tom and this wonderful Q&A. All images in this interview are photographed by Tom. Want to see more of his work? Check out instagram.com/honkingelephant

Interested in exploring the city of The Hague together with Tom and other enthusiasts?
Sign-up for our first photography exploration from 27-29 January 2023.